Do Not Ditch Brochures on Your Marketing (Make Up Your Mind)

The advent of internet and digital age makes marketing, advertising and business branding easy. In just a snap you can get enough leads if you correctly pick and choose suitable marketing tool, from a pool of choices, for your company.

Now, the big question is, does brochures and leaflets still important in branding and marketing? The answer is absolutely yes. Though these are not the most important marketing tool, they are an integral part of a company’s branding process along with the website, social media accounts, advertising and other marketing efforts.

Brochures and/or Leaflets Serves as a Perfect Introduction to Your Business

Well-designed brochure like this will standout among the rest,

Brochures and leaflets are a vital piece of literature about a business’ products and services that potential customers can take with them.  Brochures can be a marketing tool that the customers can take in their hands and their heads that would remind them of your business and eventually avail your products or services.

Aside from this, a well-designed and well-written brochure can do the following to your business branding:

  1. Can expand business’ visibility and activity.
  2. It is a great marketing tool if you need to reach out for new customers
  3. Can be a provider of positive press, and can boost the image of the business
  4. Brochures can be used for marketing events like trade shows, conferences, conventions and other opportunities to network.

But, how can you make sure that your brochure/leaflet will standout from the rest? Or make sure that potential costumers will no throw them away in trash bins? Very easy, make sure that it is well-written and well-designed. But how? Let me break it down to you.

  1. KISS – Keep it Short and Simple. Remember too much words or text will make the readers bored. Instead, just use bullets points and put more visuals and pictures.
  2. Make sure that the message of your brochure will send out good vibes and positive message only about your company. You don’t want them to doubt your credibility. Highlight your success and push the costumers to use or avail your best services or products.
  3. Put a little information about your company.
  4. Make your intentions and messages clear.
  5. Lastly, of course, don’t forget to put your contact information at the back or anywhere that can be visible to your potential customers. Because at the end of the day you want them to come back to you and avail your service. Put your address, website address, email address and contact numbers.

Again, even though brochure as a marketing tool is no longer popular these days, you still/will need them in specific occasions (nonetheless). Think about it, how about those people who don’t have internet access? Yes, you can only reach them if you go directly to them and hand them out copies of your brochures/leaflets.

So, don’t waste your time any longer. Now is the time to contact AA Design and Print and get started creating a well-written and well-designed brochure and leaflet for your company or business.

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